Post of nx’s on How Do We Learn:

Hi nx,

I really like your three examples on each of the learning paradigms. They made it more clear on what these three paradigms are about when used in actual learning practices.

One question I would ask about the behaviorism part is whether you think repetition itself is a kind of punishment or do you think of the action of writing the words 5 times a boring thing thus being a punishment? I personally think that repetition itself wouldn’t count as a punishment because it does not trigger any neural reaction unless the repetition is kind of painful that it creates a kind of fear or disgust every time you couldn’t memorize a word. I think repetition may be more in the cognitivism paradigm because repeating is also you reflecting on the spelling. Tell me what you think!

I also totally agree with you about gamification being a very good way of learning when it is gamified well. It makes some learning contents that would have been boring more interesting and appealing.