I chose one of the infographics I created for topic 4 post, and improved it to reflect my current understanding of multimedia learning principles.
Here’s what it looks like when I first designed infographic of the topic separate collection using Canva:

It was a simply infographic that promotes the idea of separate collection of wastes.
Here’s the improvement I made on this topic:
My original project had only pictures with simple words describing the aim of the infographic. My new version made this promoting infographic into a short video describing what separate collection is and how we could do it. This short video uses both images and audio. This way, viewers not only get to know separate collection and its importance, but also understand what they can do to perform this practice. I also added more useful information related to the concept of separate collection, and used some multimedia principles to make it more affective in conveying the messages.

I made this update because first, the short video provides both audio and images. Based on Dual Coding Theory, the information presented in my improved version of the topic is both visual and audio, which increases the likelihood of the viewers to recall the information of separate collection later on. The original infographic has only visual texts and images without any explanation and is not likely to make an impression on the viewers compared to the short video.
The second reason for the improvement is that it contains more useful contents that interest the viewers. The original infographic was simple and straightforward, but the concept of separate collection of municipal wastes may not be common to the viewers. By changing it into a short educational video, I improved the effect of the content and readiness of the viewers by explaining why we should implement separate collection for municipal waste. It gets the viewers emotionally ready to learn.
Besides the two reasons for the change, I also implemented the segmenting principle and personalization principle into my design of the short video. I designed the content to be learner-paced, and introduced the concept based on a learner’s steps of understanding. I also used “we” rather than third person language because according to the personalization principle from the class material, first person language is shown to be more affective than third person language when used in lessons.

Richards, L. (n.d.). 2nd topic 337 (A01) Summer ’22 – what is multimedia and interactive learning. EDCI 337 Interactive and Multimedia Learning. Retrieved June 14, 2022, from https://edtechuvic.ca/edci337/2022/05/03/2nd-topic-337-s01-summer-22-what-is-multimedia-and-interactive-learning/
Richards, L. (n.d.). 3rd topic Edci 337 (A01) summer – how do we learn? . EDCI 337 Interactive and Multimedia Learning. Retrieved June 14, 2022, from https://edtechuvic.ca/edci337/2022/05/06/3rd-topic-edci-337-a01-summer-how-do-we-learn/
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